Kaksi kuukautta meni - Two Months Past
Tassa stuffing box, jonka kiinnitys alusta petti. - This is the stuffing box mounting that failed.
Samalla kun korjattiin stuffing box vaihdettiin akselin kumilaakeri. Oli aikakin. Kaikki varina on pois ja laiva kulkee koko kierroslukualueella kuin kanootti. Hiljaisena ja tasaisena. At the same time that the stuffing box was repaired the cutless bearing was changed. It surely was the time to do that. There is no vibration left and the boat is traveling through the whole RPM scale like a canoe. Silent and smooth.
Time and Tide:in kapteeni Gary iskosti minuun ajatuksen asentaa AIS. Joille ja kanaville ei yksinkertaisesti pitasi menna ilman sita. The captain of Time and Tide, Gary, planted the idea to install AIS. When traveling on rivers and channels, one simply should not go without AIS.
AIS:n black box mahtui natisti radiokonsolin taakse. The black box of AIS fits beautifully behind the radio console.
Tassa stuffing box korjattuna. Ei vuoda enaan. Ei ole mikaan kaunis asetelma mutta hoitaa hyvin hommansa. Jos kestaa 30 vuotta niinkuin edellinen niin hyva on. This is the fixed stuffing box. It does not leak any more. Not so beautiful to look at but works very well. If it lasts 30 years like the previous one, very good.
kanssa pelaaminen alkoi kyllastyttaa. Desinfioin molemmat ruostumattomasta
tehdyt tankit (noin 600 litraa) ja asensin suodattimen. Kun tankit taytetaan
ison aktiivihiili suodattimen kanssa niin ei pitaisi ripulin iskea. I became fed up with water jugs. I disinfected both stainless steel water tanks, about 150 gallons and installed the filtering unit. When the tanks are filled through the huge active charcoal filter, there should be no diarrhea.
Kaikki juotavaksi tai ruokaan kaytettava vesi oteaan nyt pikku kraanasta. All drinking and cooking water is taken out of the little faucet.
Kantria kipparille. En yksinkertaisesti loytanyt muuta paikkaa kaiuttimille. Ei ole kaunein mahdollinen mutta toimii. Country music for the Skipper. I simply couldn't find any other place for the speakers. Not the most beautiful installation but it works.
Radion sentaan onnituin katkemaan konsolin sisaan. The radio I managed to hide inside the radio console.
Viikonlopun raatamisen keskeytti "ihana" yllatys. Michelle ajoi Brookvillesta ja toi Maggiano's ravintolasta fantastisen illalisen. (Olut poydalla on alkoholitonta.) Mika vaimo loopperilla onkaan! The slavery of the weekend was interrupted by a wonderful surprise. Michelle drove from Brookville and brought a fantastic dinner from Maggiano's. The beer was non-alcoholic and the Tiramisu was tasty. What a wife this Looper has.
Sadan ampperin laturini ei pystynyt pitaamaan akujani taysin ladattuna edes 8 tunnin ajon aikana. Korkein latausjannite pysyi n. 13.7 voltissa. Syy oli diodeilla toteutettu isolaattori. Nyt tyhjille akuille loytyy 14.35 V. My 100 amps alternator couldn't keep my batteries fully charged; after eight hours drive the highest charging voltage stayed in 13.7 Volts. The reason was the battery isolator was made by Diodes. Now the empty batteries will have 14.3 Volts.
Uusi isolattori ei havita yhtaan volttia. Aika nayttaa, miten akut pysyvat ladattuina. My new battery isolator doesn't lose any volts. Time will show how well batteries will stay charged.
Lankomies Mike teki lieteeni "lisalaitteen", milla Jimilta saamani tuet pitavat kattilan tai paistinpannun paikallaan vaikka keli olisi vahan kovempikin. Brother-in-law Mike made the accessory for my stove, with which the supports Jim gave to me hold the kettle or frying pan in its place. Even on rough seas.
Uudet toisio sudattimet, uusi diesel pummpu ja uudet letkut oljynjaahdyttimelle. New secondary filters, new diesel lift pump, and new hoses to the oil's heat exchanger.
Simms'in pumppuun pitaa oljy vaihataa 50 tunnin valein kun diesel sekoittuu oljyyn (British - bless their heart). Ja jalleen kerran, lankomies Mike tunsin jonkun, joka teki sovittimen pumpun tyhjennysreikaan. Nyt tuo kohtuullisen tuskallienen oljynvaihto kestaa n. 5 minuuttia ja on todella helppo. Letkusta korkki pois ja vanha oljy astiaan. 1 3/4 kuppia uutta oljya pumppuun ja taas mennaan. The oil must be changed every fiftieth hour for the Simm's pump because diesel is mixed with oil (British, bless their hearts). Once again, brother-in-law, Mike, knew somebody who made an adapter for the pumps drainage. Now that pretty painful oil change takes about five minutes and it's really easy. The cap away from the hose and the old oil to the jar. 1 3/4 cups new oil to the pump and here we go again.