Thursday, November 27, 2014

Kohti uutta matkaa - Towards the New Trip

Miken kanssa Erie kanava ja 34 (?) sulkua oli purjehduksellisesti helppo. Mina todella nautin joka hetkesta. Toivottavasti Mike ei ollut kovin pettynyt viikkonsa Sixteen Tonns'in miehistona.
Buffalo, NY:sta matka yli Erie jarven oli kiireeton ja helppo. Ainoa merkittava tapahtuma oli kahteen kertaan tapahtunut rannikkovartioston tarkastus.
Kotisatamaan tulo oli mieleenpainuva. Tuntui, etta todella tuli kotisatamaan. Kaikki Lorein, Sarah ja Veronon tervehtivat niin lampoisesti ja ystavallisesti. Kylla Meinke Marina on minun suosikkini.

With Mike, the Erie Canal and its 34 locks was easy cruising.  I enjoyed every moment and hope Mike wasn't very disappointed with his week as Sixteen Tons' crew member.  From Buffalo, NY and across Lake Erie, I wasn't in a hurry and the weather was perfect.  My only notations in my log book were that I was checked twice by the U.S. Coast Guard within two days.

To come to my home port was unforgettable.  All at Meinki Marina, Larain, Sarah, and Vernon greeted me so warmly and heartily.  I have to say Meinki Marina is my favorite.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Kuvia matkan varrelta - Pictures From the Trip

Norfolk VA on USA:n laivaston Atlantilla, Välimerellä ja Intian valtamerellä toimivien osastojen tukikohta. Näkemieni alusten määrä oli käsittämätön kun niitä varmasti oli useita ulkona omilla toiminta-alueillaan. Ankkuroin yöksi Willoughby lahteen ja vietin mahtavan illan seuraten helikoptereiden harjoituksia.

Norfolk, Va is the US Naval base that supports the fleet forces operating in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and Indian Ocean.  The number of vessels there is unbelievable because there must have been a lot of them on their operating areas.  I anchored overnight in Willoughby Bay and had a magnificent night watching helicopters.  

Seurasin helikoptereiden harjoittelua ja nain maallikosta ainakin tuntuu uskomattomalta kuinka ohjaajat kasitteleva noita harveleitaan.

Those helicopter pilots are just unbelievable when handling their gadgets.

Tim Brown oli naapurini ensimmaisella kaynnillani Olversonin venesatamassa. Tim auttoi minua monella tavalla ja pidimme myohemmin amatoori radiolla yhteytta.

Tim Brown was my next door neighbor when I first visited Olverson Marina.  Later we kept contact using our ham radios.  Great guy.
Ankkurissa synnin lahella Atlantic City. Anchored near Sin (Atlantic City)

Yksi entiselle (melkein) merimiehelle hieno kokemus on kohdata naita merten isoja kulkijoita kapeissa kanavissa ja siltojen ja muiden liikenne-esteiden lahella.

One great experience for a former sailor is to meet those huge ocean going vessels in a narrow canal or under the bridge or in the canal bends.

Nord Traveller, 190m pitka bulk carrier. 14 solmua.

Onnekas kohtaaminen Caloosahatchee joella - lucky meeting in Caloosahatchee River  

Steven, Claudia, Lucy and Jackson. 
Ohitin Ranger hinaajan heti Caloosahatchee joen Franklin sulun jalkeen. Ranger on minua nopeampi mutta he hinasivat isohkoa moottorivenetta. Ohitukseni ei ikava kylla ollut ihan oikea ”slow pass”. Illansuussa sitten yritin turhaan kutsua satamaa (Moore Haven), missa aioin yopya pari yota. Steve kuuli yritykseni ja kertoi, etta kunnallinen satama ei vastaa radioon tai kannykkaan. ”Kiinnita vain laivasi ja joku tulee keraamaan maksun”.
Autoin sitten hetken paasta Rangeria kiinnitymaan ja jalleen kerran kohtasin venekuunnan, mika teki matkastani kovin paljon helpomman ja turvallisemman. Steve ja Claudia ovat kokoneita vene ihmisia ja matkani heidan vanavedessaan halki Floridan oli pelkaa juhlaa. He olivat matkalla Bahamalle ja mina kohti Erie jarvea pohjoiseen. Viela erottuamme sain heilta pitkaan neuvoja missa yopya ja mita varoa. Steven pitaisi todella kirjoittaa sisavayla opaskirja.
Alustavasti suunnittelimme seilata yhdessa kevaalla 2015 Bahamalle. Olisi mahtavaa jos suunnitelma toteutuisi.

I passed a stunning Ranger tug immediately after Franklin lock on Caloosahatchee River. They were much faster than Sixteen Tons but were towing a big Captain's gig with 150 hp outboard engine. I’m sad to say my passing wasn't a“slow pass” and I was ashamed.
Later in the afternoon when I in vain tried to contact the marina (Moore Haven) Steve hailed me and told just to secure my boat and somebody will later come to collect the fee. They came to the same marina and I assisted them to secure the boat. Once again I was really lucky to meet boaters who made my journey safer and more enjoyable. Steve and Claudia are very experienced boaters and my trip in their wake through Florida was safe and easy. (They never mentioned my too fast passing.)
Their destination was Bahamas and mine Lake Erie but long after we departed I asked them where to anchor and Steve gave me information “how to” and “be aware of”; he really should write an ICW handbook.
We preliminarily planned to go to Bahamas together spring 2015 and it would be more than great if it would work.

ICW South Carolina

Yksio merinakoalalla. Apartment with ocean view.

Olverson Marina, Yeocomico River at Lodge Creek near Potomac River:

Hapean tunnustaa mutta koysien pleissaus oli unohtunut. Tim Brownin tuttava Art ... opasti kadesta pitaen ja nyt pleissaus on lihasmuistissa. Ashamed to admit but I had forgotten how to splice lines. Tim Brown’s friend Art … gave hands-on training and now it is in muscle memory.

Ford Lemanin alkuperainen raakavesi pumppu alkoi vuotamaan. The original raw water pump leaked. American Diesel once again saved a day.

End of the Great Loop


Luulin, että hanhet eivät olisi kiinnostuneita hampurilaisista mutta Mikellä oli täysi työ hätyyttää niitä pois grilliltä.

I thought that geese don't like hamburgers but Mike had to chase them off.  

Kun hanhista oli päästy eroon ilmestyivät nämä veijarit grillille ja eivät yhtään välittäneet vaikka liikuimme parin metrin päässä.

When we got rid of the geese these two guys came to ask for burgers and didn't mind at all even though we were within three feet of them, they were so tame.  
Mike hallitsee homman. Mike knows what to do.

Toinen majakka Erie jarvella. Another Erie light house.

Ollan jo Erie jarvella.

Ms. Liberty.

AIS New York at 05.30 hrs

Sumuinen New York. Big Apple in fog.

Radiomies on paassyt ruoriin. Radio man behind the helm.  (my older son was a radio petty officer in Finnish Navy)

My older son  

New alternator 

Kiireinen matkalainen Floridassa ohitti. In a hurry boat passed me in Florida ICW.

Nuorin poikani Lauri halusi jostain syystä vaihtaa helmi- maaliskuun vaihteessa maisemaa ja vietti viikon kanssani Dunedinin (FL) ympäristössä. Teimme laivan laitteisiin useita parannuksia.  Söimme hyvin ja nautimme mahtavasta säästä. Sain ensimmäisen radioamatööri yhteyteni Jamaikalle. Hieno viikko.  My youngest son, Lauri, wanted to change the scenery for some reason at the end of February.  We made several improvements to the mechanics on Sixteen Tons.  I got my first connection with my ham radio; it was to Jamaica.  What a great week. 

Helmikuussa Suomessa. February in Finland. 
Helmikuu Floridassa. February in Florida.
Lauri grillaa pienet pihvit illalliseksi. Coleman suhisee ja kaikki on hyvin. Lauri prepares small burgers for dinner; Coleman is hissing and everything is under control. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Syvyys- ja maataso-ongelmia - Depth & Counterpoise Problems

Naytto vaittaa, etta "kaiku" on systeemissa
Display argues that there is a transducer in the system

Mutta ei vaan sitten nayta syvyytta. Naissa ojissa ajellessa syvyysnaytto on valttamaton. Onnekseni Garminin tekninentuki on uskomattoman nopea (Melissa).
But doesn't then show the depth.  When you are driving in these "ditches" you have to know the depth of the water.  Luckily Garmin's technical support is unbelievably fast and Melissa is the person sending me the instructions on how to solve the problem.

Toivoin, etta teraskaiteisiin kiinnitetty anteninjalka saisi riittavan maatason aikaan mutta SWR mittari pomppasi tappiin. Ei auta muu kuin rakentaa maataso. Ensiksi liimaan ohutta kuparilevya laivan pohjaan vasilinjan alapuolelle. Joissain kirjoitemissa vaittavat, etta foliota tarvittaisiin 100 neliojalkaa. Ei minun laivani koko vesilinjan alapuolinen pohja taitaisi riittaa - eika rahat ainakaan.
I hoped that my antenna when fastened around the steel rails would have a good counterpoise but SWR gauge went crazy.  Nothing else helps but to build a counterpoise.  First I glued a very thin copper foil on the bottom of the boat under the water line (inside).  Some instructions say that about 100 sq ft is needed.  I think that the whole bottom of my boat is under 100 sq ft and for sure I don't have money for that.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Mista tiedat olevasi Floridassa? How do you know that you are in Florida?

Kun pitkasaarisia blondeja kavelee "alasti" laiturilla ja/tai 21' veneessa on riittavasti hevosvoimia. (Kuvat alla.)
When long legged blondes are walking on the pier with very minimum clothing and/or 21' boat has surely enough horsepower. (Pictures below.)

Ajoin Dunedin'ista kotiin Brookvilleen juuri silloin kun ennatyksellinen lumi/jaamyrsky piiskasi Alabamaa ja Georgiaa. Yli 485,000 ihimisen kerrottiin olevan ilman sahkoa. Noi 80 mailia Atlantasta taytyi antaa periksi ja yopya odottamaan parempaa saata. Kuvia en pystynyt jaisilla teilla ottamaan.
I drove from Dunedin, Florida to home in Brookville, Ohio just as a record breaking snow and ice storm was beating Alabama and Georgia.  They told that night more than 485,000 people were without power.  About 80 miles outside of Atlanta I had to give up and stay overnight, waiting better weather.  On those icy roads it was impossible to take any pictures.  

Atlantassa aamulla myrskyn jalkeen. Keli parantui heti aamulla ja paatiet olivat puhtaita lumesta ja jaasta.
Atlanta early in the morning after the storm.  The roads were much better immediately in the morning.

Kotona Brookvillessa on lunta noin metrin verran ja lisaa tulee. Onnekseni pakkasta on vain muutama aste. Kylla taas kestaa laivalla pienet tuulet ja aallot Floridassa.
At home in Brookville there is about three feet of snow and more is coming.  Luckily there is only a few degrees under 32.  Oh, boy, you don't mind so much the winds and waves in Florida.

Brookville 14.2.2014.

1050 hevosvoimaa ja pitkasaarinen blondi.
1050 horsepower and a long legged blonde.

Tama on ennatykseni. 21' x 1,050 hp. 
This is my record 21' x 1,050 hp.

Pitkasaarinen blondi..
Long legged blonde.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

On aika tayttaa blogia -It's time to continue the blog:

Viimeinen kuva Grand Mariner satamasta. Viihdyin siella hyvin ja laivaakin tuli laitettua. Steve, Brendan ja Lee ovat kaikki todella asiansa osaavia kaverita. 

The last picture from Grand Mariner harbor.  I enjoyed being there and did a lot of work on the boat.  Steve, Brendan, and Lee are great guys and know their business.

Yksi jatkuva murheenkryyni on ostamani ankkuripeli. Koyhan ei kannattaisi ostaa p..aa. Sain takuuna uudelleen suunnitellun moottorin. Ehka rattaat pysyvat paremmin paikoillaan nyt.

One continuous pain in the butt is the anchor windless I bought.  The poor guy should not buy sh!t.  Under warranty, the company sent me a motor that was replanned.  Perhaps the spur gears stay in place better now.

Mobilessa paistoi aurinkokin sen verran etta sain hiottua ja lakattua ankkuripelin alustan.

There was so much sunshine in Mobile that I could sandpaper and varnish the area where the anchor windless will be installed.

Laurin painostuksesta toteutin viimein ikimuistoisen haaveni suorittaa radioamatooritutkinto. Suoritin samalla kertaa seka perus- etta jatkotutkinnon. Nyt on oikeus kayttaa kaikkia tarvitsemiani aaltoalueita. Amatooriradiolla paasee yhteyteen "kaikkialle" kun taas normaali laivaradioni yltaa vain noin 15 mailin paahan. Tulossa olevan Meksikonlahden ylitykseen tuo matka ei riita.

Heavily stressed by my son, Lauri, I at last managed to complete my antique dream to pass my ham radio license test.  I passed simultaneously both technician and general part.  Now I have a right to use all the frequencies that I really need.  When you have a ham radio you can reach all the corners of the world, when my normal boat VHF radio reaches only fifteen miles.  That's not enough when you cross the Gulf of Mexico.

Kun aikaa oli tein lisaa sailytystilaa tyhjaksi jatetyn portaan alle.
When I had time I added some storage place under the steps.

Nyt mennaan! - Hey we are moving!

Paastyani sataman kanavasta Mobilen lahden vaylalle oli ensimmainen vastaantulija koko lailla isompi kuin Sixteen Tons. Hyvin kuitenkin mahduttiin. Onneksi vaylalla on nopeusrajoitus jolloin tuollaisetkaan jatit eivat tee minkaanlaista aaltoa.
Ensimmainen taman legin ankkurointi oli sisavaylalla Susilahdessa (Wolf Bay, FL). Hieno paikka ankuroida ja yopya.
Seuraavana paivana (27.1.14) matka katkesi taysin. Akisti ilmestynyt sumu oli niin tiheaa, etta vilkkaalla vaylalla en todella uskaltanut jatkaa. Onneksi tapani on merkita vara ankkuripaikkoja ja tiesin juuri ohittaneeni yhden. Paasin sinne onnella ja pois vaylalta. Puhuin Michellen kanssa ja han katsoi saatutkaa, mika kertoi, etta en voi jaada ankkuriin. Pohjostuullella oli todella tilaa iskea levean lahden yli. Nakyvyys onneksi parani sen verran etta oli turvallista jatkaa suojaisempaan paikkaan ja ankkuroin uudellen Navarreen (Navarre Cove, FL). Myrsky alkoi ja sita kesti. Vietin ankkurissa kolme yota.

When I left the harbor channel and entered to Mobile Gulf channel the first ship I met was pretty much bigger than Sixteen Tons.  There was room for both of us.  Luckily there's a speed limit and then a giant like that has no wake.
This leg's first anchoring was in Intercoastal Waterway in Wolf Bay, FL.  Wonderful place to anchor and stay overnight.
The next day the movement halted immediately.  The fog came suddenly and was so thick that I was completely unable to continue.  Luckily I have a habit to mark spare anchorages and I knew that I just passed one.  I managed to go there without any problems and I was away from the channel.  I chatted with Michelle who said that she has checked the radar and there's no way I can stay there.  The north wind has really a lot of space to hit across the wide bay.  Luckily the visibility improved so much that it was safe to continue to the better place.  I re-anchored in Navarre Cove, FL.  The storm started and it lasted.  I spent three nights in anchor.

Pakkasta oli 3 stetta mutta siperialainen diesel lammitin piti laivan kodikkaana. Coleman lamppu suhisi ja alkoholiliesi keitti teevetta. Mikapa tassa on ollessa.
The temperature was 26 but Siberian diesel heater kept the ship cozy.  Coleman lantern was hissing and alcohol stove was boiling water for tea.  There's no problem to stay here.

Kahdeksantoista mailin pohjoistuuli tuppasi tunkemaan sisalle. Konhuoneen puhdistusrievut auttoivat tahan hataan.
Eighteen miles north wind wanted to come in. Engine room's cleaning rags helped to keep the wind outside.

Laiva alkoi kerata jaata. Hieman huolestuin mutta onneksi viimeisen ankkuroitipaivan iltapaivalla jaa alkoi sulaa.
The ship started to collect ice.  I was a bit worried but luckily the afternoon of the last anchoring day, the ice started to melt.

Pakkanen iski niin akkia etten ennattanyt kerata koysia pois ennenkuin ne jaatyivat kanteen.
The cold came so suddenly that I didn't even have time to collect the lines away before they were frozen to the deck.

Ei liehu Great Loop lippu kun on aivan tonkka jaassa vaikka tuuli oli puuskissa 25 maila tunnissa.
Great Loop pennant doesn't flap even though the wind is 25 knots because it was completely frozen.

Paasin sitten jatkamaan 30.1.14 ja ankkuroin jalleen tihenevassa sumussa Choctawhatchee lahteen. Aamulla saa oli onneksi siedettava ja kello 10 jatkoin matkaa Red Fish pointiin 31.1.14.

Ihme ja kumma. Aamulla oli taysin kirkasta ja jatkoin. Kuuntelen liikuessaani aanikirjoja ja kirja oli niin mielenkiintoinen etta ohitin suunnittelemani ankkurointipaikan yli 15 mailia. Takaisin ei kannattanut kaantya, joten jatketaan. Viidentoista mailin paasta suunnitelemastani viimeisesta Floridan Panhandle alueen ankkuripaikasta jalleen kerran sumu keskeytti matkani ja ankkuroin St Vincet Bariin (ei ollut kaljaa myynnissa).
2.2.14 oli enaan parin tunnin ajo Carrabelleen Dog Islandille, missa varustauduin Meksikonlahden ylitykseen. Kavin vilkasta kirjeenvaihtoa paikallisen saaprofeetan Tom Conradin kanssa ja sain hanelta todella tarpeellista apua suunnitellessani ylitysta. Yritan seurata seka virallista merisaatiedotusta etta eri saakanavia. Ongema on, etta ne kaikki antavat toisistaan poikkeavaa tietoa. Ilman Tomin apua olisin kai vielakin Koirasaarella ankkurissa.

I was able to continue January 30th and anchored again in thickening fog in Choctawhatchee Bay.  In the morning, luckily the weather was decent and by 10:00 I could continue my trip to Red Fish Point January 31st.
Look at that - in the morning it was completely clear and I continued.  When I am moving I listen to audio books and the book was so interesting that I passed the anchorage where I planned to anchor by fifteen miles.  Too late to return, let's continue.  Then only fifteen miles away from the last of Florida's Panhandle anchorages, once again, the thick fog interrupted my journey and I had to anchor St. Vincent Bar (there was no beer for sale).
February 2nd there was only a couple of hours drive to Carrabella's Dog Island where I made preparation for crossing the Gulf of Mexico.  I had a vivid correspondence with the local weather "prophet", Tom Conrad, and he gave me vital help when planning the crossing.  I tried to follow the official marine weather and different other weather channels.  The problem is that all of those give conflicting information.  Without Tom's help I think that I'd still be anchored behind the Dog Island.

Ei kun yli Meksikonlahden - Hey, let's cross the Gulf of Mexico

Tiheaa sumua. Nakyvyys 1/4 maili. Yhdeksan tunnin raskaan ajon jalkeen ankkuriin Steinhatchee joelle 3.2.14. Saan odotettiin olevan niin hyva, etta paatin ankuroida joelle johtavan vaylan suulle. Jos saa pahenee, ajaisin sisalle joelle. Jos ei muutu saastan yli tunnin ajon ja paivanvalo riittaa seuraavaan satamaan.
Seuraavana paivana sama toistuu. Sumua ja satoja rapumertoja merkkeinneen valmiina sotkeutumaan potkuriini ja iljettavan typeria kalastusalus kippareita. Eivat anna mitaan lain vaatimia sumumerkinantoja liikkuessaan vaan ilmestyvat "tyhjasta" kuten Lentava Hollantilainen.Ankkuriin Suwane joen suuhun. Jos saa pahenee... Illalla kuitenki paistoi aurinko ja oli aivan tyynta. NOAA lupaili hyvaa saata.

Very thick fog.  Visibility 1/4 mile.  After nine hours Gulf driving I dropped the anchor near Steinhatchee River's mouth on February 3rd.  The weather was supposed to be so good that I decided to anchor on the mouth of the river.  If the weather goes worse, I will enter to the river.  If it doesn't I will save more than an hour and there is enough daylight to the next harbor.  The next day it is like the day before, thick fog and hundreds of crab pots buoys ready to mess up my propeller and not so nice fishing boat skippers.  They don't give any legal fog signals when they are moving but come out from emptiness like Flying Dutchman.  Again I dropped the anchor in the mouth of Suwanee River.  If weather goes worse...In the evening the sun was shining and it was completely calm.  NOAA promised good weather.

Rapumerran merkki. Sumussa huomaa 20 m aikaisemmin kuin ajaa paalle. Hei, ei se olekaan rapumerran merkki vaan pelikaani, joka huilaili.
Crab pot buoy.  In thick fog you notice it about 60 feet before you hit it.  Hey - it's not a crab pot buoy - it's a pelican resting.

Tassa on sitten rapumerran merkki Suwanee joen suulta, missa niita oli paljon. Nain kai ainakin 100 mutta en sumussa paljon valittany kuvailla.
Here is a real crab pot buoy from the Suwanee River mouth, where there were a lot of them.  I saw for sure 100 of them but in thick fog I didn't want to take pictures.

Aamulla jalleen sumua mutta ehka mailin nakyvyys. Kymmenen tunnin ajon jalkeen Meksikonlahti oli ylitetty milloin 1/4 milloin mailin nakyvyydella ja olin perilla. Oli kuitekin niin myoha, etten uskaltanut jatkaa muutamaa mailia mihinkaan satamaan. Nuo pe..n rapumerrat kun ovat tiheana kuin miinakentta.
Ankkuroin Anclotte joelle Dutchman Keysiin 5.2.14. Oli aika huilata kun saakanavakin (The Weather Channel) lupaa hyvaa saata ja olen turvassa kaikilta paitsi koillistuulilta. Olisi pitanyt jatkaa heti seuraavana aamuna. Illansuussa 6.2.14 saa muuttui. Rannikkovartiosto antoi varoituksiaan ja pienvenevaroitus astui voimaan. Liian myohaan minulle. Tuuli iski suoraan koillisesta ja puuskissa yli 35 maila tunnissa ja niita puuskia riitti. Normaali ankkurini on melkein tuplaten kooltaan, mita tama vene tarvii. Se Bruce mallinen ja sen pitaisi purra hyvin hiekkasavi pohjaan. Se alkoi luistaa. Minulla on aina, kun olen avoimilla vesilla "valtava" Danfort myrskyankkuri valmiina etukannella.
Sain sen ulos. Luisto jatkui. Viimeinen jaljella oleva oli pieni Danfort, mita kaytan joskus kun pitaa ankkuroida perastakin. Sain sen ulos ja vene ajautui tuulen kaantyessa niin, etta tuo pieni ankkuri alkoi keventaa toisen keula-ankkurin kuormaa. Liike pysahtyi. Jotta jannitysta riittaisi, myrskyankkurini koysi oli ajautunut omaan potkuriini. Ei siis ollut mahdollista kayttaa konetta. Pitka yo lyhyesti. Istuin ja katselin karttaplotterin nayttoa liikkuuko vene viela jaljella olvat 300 jalkaa ja olen 2' syvyisessa vedessa kiini hiekassa kun vene tarvii 4'. Ankkurit pitivat ja kaiketikin 03-04 maissa aamuyolla nukahdin ja herasin aamulla 06. Tuuli oli laantunut ja ei ollut paljon sumuakaan. Myrskyankkurin koyden sain erikoistyokaluni avulla yllatavan hyvin pois potkurista.

In the morning again thick fog but perhaps 1 mile visibility.  After ten hours drive the Gulf of Mexico was crossed.  Now and then 1/4 mile visibility and now and then 1 mile visibility.  It was so late that I didn't dare to continue to any harbor.  Those f-ing crab pot buoys are as dense as in a mine field.  I anchored near Anclotte River in Dutchman Keys on February 5th.  It was time to rest when even the Weather Channel promised very good weather and I'm safe all excet North-East winds.  I should have continued immediately the next morning.  In the evening on February 6th, the weather changed completely.  The Coast Guard was continually reading their warnings and small craft advisory was in force.  Too late for me.  The wind hit straight from the North-East and in gales more than 35mph and I can tell that those gales were many.  My normal anchor is almost double size what my ship needs.  It is Bruce anchor and it works very well with sand clay bottom, but it started to drag.  When crossing open waters I have always a huge Danfort storm anchor ready on the bow deck.  I managed to put it out.  Both anchors dragged.  The last hope was a tiny Danfort, which I use sometimes when I have to anchor from the stern.  I managed to have that out and the ship drifted when the wind turned so that both tiny anchor started to lighten for the other bow anchor's burden.  The movement stopped.  To have enough excitement, my storm anchor's rope had drifted into my own propeller. It wasn't possible to use the engine.  That long night in a short story I was sitting and watching the chart plotter's display.  If the ship moved 300 feet I would have been grounded in 2 feet of water when this boat needs 4 feet.  The anchors held and I think that before 3:00 and 4:00 I fell asleep and woke up in the morning at 6:00.  Not so much wind and not so much fog any more.  The rode of the storm anchor I could remove easily from the propeller with my special tool.

Suuri Danfort myrskyankkuri valmiina menemaan veteen kolmessa minuutissa.
Giant Danfort storm anchor ready to be in the water within three minutes.

Erikois tyokalu koysien poistamiseen potkurista
My special tool to remove ropes from the propeller.

Ei kun lahimpaan satamaan.
Olin Marker 1 satamassa 7.2.14 klo 11.20 ja taytin diesel tankit ja tyhjensin holding tankin (vessa). Nelja tuntia unta. Ruokaa ja juomaa ja kaksitoista tuntia unta. Meksikonlahden ylitys on hieno kokemus nain talvisaikaan.

Where is the nearest harbor?  I was in Marker 1 Harbor on February 7th at 11:20.  I filled the diesel tank and emptied holding tank.  Four hours sleeping.  Food and drink, then twelve hours sleeping.  To cross the Gulf of Mexico is a wonderful experience.