Friday, February 14, 2014

Mista tiedat olevasi Floridassa? How do you know that you are in Florida?

Kun pitkasaarisia blondeja kavelee "alasti" laiturilla ja/tai 21' veneessa on riittavasti hevosvoimia. (Kuvat alla.)
When long legged blondes are walking on the pier with very minimum clothing and/or 21' boat has surely enough horsepower. (Pictures below.)

Ajoin Dunedin'ista kotiin Brookvilleen juuri silloin kun ennatyksellinen lumi/jaamyrsky piiskasi Alabamaa ja Georgiaa. Yli 485,000 ihimisen kerrottiin olevan ilman sahkoa. Noi 80 mailia Atlantasta taytyi antaa periksi ja yopya odottamaan parempaa saata. Kuvia en pystynyt jaisilla teilla ottamaan.
I drove from Dunedin, Florida to home in Brookville, Ohio just as a record breaking snow and ice storm was beating Alabama and Georgia.  They told that night more than 485,000 people were without power.  About 80 miles outside of Atlanta I had to give up and stay overnight, waiting better weather.  On those icy roads it was impossible to take any pictures.  

Atlantassa aamulla myrskyn jalkeen. Keli parantui heti aamulla ja paatiet olivat puhtaita lumesta ja jaasta.
Atlanta early in the morning after the storm.  The roads were much better immediately in the morning.

Kotona Brookvillessa on lunta noin metrin verran ja lisaa tulee. Onnekseni pakkasta on vain muutama aste. Kylla taas kestaa laivalla pienet tuulet ja aallot Floridassa.
At home in Brookville there is about three feet of snow and more is coming.  Luckily there is only a few degrees under 32.  Oh, boy, you don't mind so much the winds and waves in Florida.

Brookville 14.2.2014.

1050 hevosvoimaa ja pitkasaarinen blondi.
1050 horsepower and a long legged blonde.

Tama on ennatykseni. 21' x 1,050 hp. 
This is my record 21' x 1,050 hp.

Pitkasaarinen blondi..
Long legged blonde.

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